The Feminist Geek Starter Pack: These Comics With Strong Female Protagonists Are A Must-Read

For decades, comics have been deemed “too male-centric.” More often than not, these fiction pieces catered to male power fantasies by objectifying women and portraying toxic masculinity, thus keeping ladies from feeling represented. However, over the past few years, the world has seen the rise of feminist comics that address contemporary issues and question patriarchal traditions. To honor those authors who dared to enter the comic industry to change it for good, we’ve compiled a list of seven thought-provoking works that every feminist geek should have in their library.

Hark! A Vagrant by Kate Beaton

Would you like to read something that lets you explore history from a feminist perspective and learn new information about literary and historical figures? If so, you should definitely take a look at Kate Beaton’s acclaimed comic, Hark! A Vagrant.

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Beaton’s webcomic is humorous, witty, and cerebral, with her drawings all fitting within three to six panels. If you don’t want to read it online, don’t worry! In 2011, a print collection was released, and you can borrow it from Amazon for a few bucks.

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