What happens when you’re an acclaimed cartoonist and also the father to a child? You tell your audience about the hilarious adventure of trying to civilize a tiny human through comic strips! Sure, parenting is arguably the most demanding job in the world, but this doesn’t mean that you can take a step back occasionally and draw your misery as a catharsis. If you’re a mom or dad yourself, we bet that you’ll find these comics relatable, and if not, they’ll help you decide whether having kids is a blessing or a curse.

Lunarbaboon by Christopher Grady
What is it that parents treasure the most when it comes to their kids? For people like the renowned cartoonist Christopher Grady, it’s his young child’s innocence and fascination for the world, as we can see in this comic strip.

In Lunarbaboon, Grady strikes a perfect balance between offering a humorous take on classic parenting struggles while also sharing heartfelt messages about tolerance, empathy, and trying to make this world a better place for the little ones. This comic has it all!